Eik (amendment) - to The Testament of umquhile Donald McKenzie in Rinancoillach, 1750

Also see - Donald McKenzie in Rinancoillach, 1738

James Bissat of Glenalbert, Commissary of Testaments, within the bounds of my jurisdiction, ratify, approve and confirm the sum of thirty-three pounds Scots, contained in a bill granted (by) Andrew Drummond, now of Drumnaquhance, therein designed of Blacklaw, payable at Martinmass 1713 years to (the) umquhile (deceased) Donald Mackenzie in Rinancoillach, with five pounds Scots of penalty named through failzie (default) and bygone annual rents thereof, registrate in the Commissary Court Books of Dunkeld, whereon Letters of Horning followed and which sums of money principal and annual rents thereof and penalty aforesaid was conmilled (omitted) out of the said umquhile Donald Mackenzie, his principal confirmed testament, wherein Thomas McKenzie son to umquhile David Mackenzie in Rinancoillach, nephew to the defunct and decerned executor dative, to him for (the) behoof of Kenneth McKenzie, his only lawful child, upon the fifteenth day of November 1738 years, and which has now come to the said executor, his knowledge, and we hereby added and eiked to the principal confirmed testament bygone, in terms of a protestation in the (...) thereof and I hereby confirm the said Thomas McKenzie, executor dative for behoof of the said Kenneth McKenzie, (son) to the said umquhile Thomas McKenzie and to the sum of money principal, annual rents thereof and penalty foresaid as eiked, with full power to him to meddle and intromell therewith, ask, crave, uplift and (ashew?) the same, and if need be, to call, follow and pursue therefore and generally every other thing to do in discharge of the said office that by law is incumbent on the like case, and the said executor having (.......) upon the said inventory eiked has found cautioners and that the same shall be made safe and forthcoming to all persons having interest, as an act made there anent bears in testimony whereof to this presents subscribed by the Clerk of Court, my seal of office is affixed at Dunkeld the (blank).

This eik was exercised(?) at Dunkeld the second October 1750 by James Bissat, Commissary, and John McKenzie in Rinancoillach became cautioner and he bound for his relief.


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