The Testament Dative and Inventory of John Campbell, 1718

(This preceeds the Testament and Inventory of Finlay Campbell, 1718, and mentions similar people)

John Campbell – The Testament Dative and Inventory of the goods, gear, sums of money and debts that pertained to umquhile (deceased) John Campbell, sometime in Mualich in the Brae of Lude, (at) the time of deceased which was in the month of (blank) 17... years, truly made and given up by Mungo Campbell of Clune, Duncan Stewart of Pittinacie, Duncan Campbell in Drumnabechin, Fergus McLauchlan there and Donald McLauchlan in Brae of Lude, tutors and managers for, and in name of, Donald Campbell, lawful son, and executors dative as nearest of kin and his saids tutors and managers for their interests, decerned to the said defunct by the Commissariot of Dunkeld upon the day and date of this presents as the decreet dative following on an edict duly executed and endorsed, in itself more fully bears:

Imprimis (Firstly), there is given up, resting to the said defunct (at) the time foresaid of his decease, one thousand merks Scots money principal with annual rents (interest) and penalty contained in a bond, granted to him by (David) Spalding of Ashintullie as principal and Andrew Spalding of Glenkilrie and Thomas Butter of Balnabroich as cautioners, conjunctly and severaly, dated the 13th day of June 1709 years.

Item. Resting by the Duke of Atholl to the said defunct three hundred and fifty merks money aforesaid per bond dated the fifth day of December 1704 years

Item. (Resting) by Alexander Fergusson in Strathgarry, twenty five merks for a mear (mare)

Summa Inventary

This testament was confirmed at Dunkeld, the eleventh (of) March 1718 years Fergus McLachlan in Drumnabechin became cautioner for the executors.


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