The Testament Dative and Inventory
of Lewis Robertson in Dundavie, Glen Fincastle, 1771

Lewis Robertson – The Testament dative and inventory of the goods, gear, debts sums of money which pertained, belonged and was resting (owing) to the umquhile (deceased) Lewis Robertson, in Dundavie in the parish of Dull, the time of his decease which was in the month of May last, truely made and given up by Gilbert Stewart of Fincastle, Charles McGlashan in Park of Fungarth, David Inches merchant in Dunkeld, Agnes MacDonald in Drumdagowan, Margaret McKenzie in Croftgowan, and William Stewart, tacksman of the Mill of Blair Atholl and Donald Fergusson in Ballinald and smith in Fincastle, conjunct executors dative qua creditors, decerned to the said defunct by the Commissary of Dunkeld upon the day and date of these presents, and that in payment to the said Gilbert Stewart primo loco of eighteen pounds Scots money as the hypothicly rent due by the said Lewis Robertson, the defunct, to Mrs Margaret Balneavis, relict of the deceased Robert Stewart, sometime of Fincastle, and life-rented of the town and lands of Dundavie for his possession there, the crops 1770, in virtue of herself and to which rents (interest), the said Gilbert Stewart, his right by precept from her, and to him the expenses of this present confirmation. And in payment, moreover, to the said Gilbert Stewart there aforesaid other creditors secundo et ultimo loco pari passu, of the sums of money underwritten to witt(?) to the said Gilbert Stewart, his right from her as aforesaid, in payment also to him of four pounds eleven shillings Scots money, being the amount of articles bought by the defunct at the roup of the effects of the deceased Robert Stewart in Balnafeid and Gilbert Tossar in Pitfeolan per account, whereof the said Gilbert Stewart had the memorandum and was accompable (accountable) to the executor, and was still due by the defunct.
Item, one pound nine shillings Scots for articles bought by said defunct from the said Gilbert Stewart at his own rouping.
Item, of two pounds ten shillings Scots money ...... defunct as the said Gilbert Stewart, his ground from his tenants to pay his cess (cess-tax) and returned by him without applying the same for that purpose and which came up to a debt again upon and payable by the said Gilbert Stewart as heritor. And in payment further to the said Gilbert Stewart of one pound nine shillings six pennies Scots money as the dues for dressing to the defunct, a stone eight pounds and a half of lint at the said Gilbert Stewart his lint mill in winter last, then in his notional possession amounting the said sundry articles bind(?) is the funerals hypothick arrears of rent.
Item, seventeen pounds nineteen shillings six pennies Scots money and all contained in a decreet of cognition at his instance before the said Commissary upon the twenty day of November but in payment also to the said Gilbert Stewart of nine shillings ...... D. Lewis alias Ludvick Robertson, his lawful bill to Henry Balneavis, merchant in Perth, dated the eight day of February but indorsed by him to the said Gilbert Stewart.
Item, of the annual rent (interest) thereof since the same fell due.
Item, in payment to the said Charles McGlashan of twenty two pounds one shilling Scots money contained in a bill dated the seventh September 1767 drawn by him upon and accepted by D. Lewis Robertson the defunct and therein designed in Pitfeolain and George Seaton in Balnafeid, conjunctly and severally, and also addressed to Gilbert Campbell in Pitfeolain, but not accepted by him, payable at Martinmass 1762, being for meal furnished him and of the annual rents thereof since the same fell due, deducting six pounds Scots paid by the said Lewis Robertson in part and by the said Gilbert Campbell, six pounds and three shillings Scots more and six pounds by the said George Seaton, all on the third of March 1763, and marked on the back of the said bill.
Item, in payment moreover to the said Charles McGlashan of twenty five pounds Scots money contained in another bill dated the eighteenth of July 1763 years, drawn by him upon and accepted by Ludvick Robertson, then in Pitfeolain and the said Robert Stewart in Balnafeid, conjunctly and severally, payable to him against the fifteenth day of February then next, value of him in oats and bere (barley).
Item, of the annual rents thereof since the same fell due, deducting nine pounds Scots money thereof by the said Robert Stewart upon the fifth of December 1765 as marked on the back of the said bill.
Item, in payment to the said David Inches in seventeen pounds ten shillings Scots money contained in a bill dated the twenty seventh August 1769, drawn by him upon and accepted by the said Lewis Robertson, payable at Martinmass then next,
Item, of the annual rents thereof since the same fell due.
Item, in payment to the said Agnes McDonald of twenty merks Scots money contained in a bill dated twenty third March 1769, drawn by John McDonald in Auchterbrudie upon and accepted by the said Lewis Robertson, payable at Martinmass then next.
Item, of the annual rent thereof since the same fell due, indorsed payable to the said Agnes McDonald. Also twenty one merks Scots money contained in a bill drawn by him upon and accepted by the defunct dated the twenty fourth day of February 1768, payable at Martinmass next thereafter.
Item, of the annual rent thereof since the same fell due.
Item, in payment to the said Margaret McKenzie of nineteen merks Scots money contained in a bill dated the fourteenth January 1766, drawn by her and accepted by the said Lewis Robertson payable at Martinmass then next.
Item, of the annual rent since the same fell due.
And lastly in payment to the said William Stewart of fifteen pounds Scots money being the price of six firlots of seedy oats(?) sold by said Lewis Robertson to him at Candlemass 1769 and for which he paid the defunct, but not withstanding the said victuall was never delivered and contained in a decreet of cognition obtained at the instance of the said William Stewart before the Commissary upon the eleventh day of December.
And in payment to the said Donald Fergusson, Ballinauld, and smith in Fincastle of three pounds three shillings Sterling money, contained in the defunct's bill to him dated the tenth day of November 1769 years, payable at Martinmass 1770.
Item, of the annual rents thereof since the same fell due, as the decreet dative following on an edict duly executed and endorsed in itself more fully bears.

Imprimis (Firstly), there is given up, pertaining and belonging to the said umquhile Lewis Robertson (at) the time foresaid of his decease, the goods, gear and effects following as sold by public roup on the twenty ninth of May last in virtue of the said Commissary his warrant and bought by the persons underwritten per roup roll, viz:
Imprimis, a coultie by (Gilbert Stewart of) Fincastle at 2s 1d.
Item, an old iron by Donald Stewart Drumdagowan at 10d.
Item, a swingle-tree by Donald Stewart D(rumdagowan) at 1s 3d.
Item, a flaughter spade by John McLauchlan in Tomanraid at 1s.
Item, a hoe and grape by said John McLauchlan at 10½d.
Item, a spuele and fork by Angus McDonald in Drumnagowan at 7d.
Item, a grape by (Gilbert Stewart of) Fincastle at 3d.
Item, a spade by Donald Stewart in Balnauld at (blank)
Item, three summochs by Donald Fergusson at 3s.
Item, six stretchers by George Seaton in Pitfeolain at 5½d.
Item, creels by Angus Man in Reuchell (Riechail?) at 1s 6d.
Item, buckards (buckets?) by the said Donald Stewart in Drumdagowan at 7d.
Item, a firlot (measure) by Neill Stewart in Balinluig at 1s 3d.
Item, plates by John Fergusson in Pitfeolain at 1s ½d.
Item, two cogs (stave buckets) by the said Donald Stewart at 6d.
Item, some beakers by the said John Fergusson at 5d.
Item, a reed by Donald Stewart in Ballmadock at 1s ½d.
Item, a kettle by John Stewart in Fiermore at 10d.
Item, a lippie (measure) by John Cattanach in Dundavie at 6d.
Item, a water stoup by James McKenzie in Croftgowan at 7d.
Item, a knocker by Donald Stewart in Drumdagowan at 4½d.
Item, a loeby(?) by James Campbell in Orchil-more at 6d.
Item, a reel by David Reid in Miltown at 2s.
Item, a chair by Donald Stewart in Drumdagowan at 1s 10d.
Item, two chairs by John Stewart in Fiermore at 2s 8d.
Item, a seat(?) by said Donald Stewart at 1s 8d.
Item, a lestha(?) by Duncan Menzies in Auchlread(?) at 9½d.
Item, a lock(?) by (Gilbert Stewart of) Fincastle at 11d.
Item, a table by Duncan Stewart at Carrick at 5d.
Item, a crook by Peter Cattanach in Ballmerto (?) at 2s.
Item, a pot by James McKenzie in Croftgowan at 15s.
Item, a creel by Peter Gray in (blank) at 2½d.
Item, two axes by Thomas McLauchlan in Newtown (Uchdabhriedy) at 1s 3d.
Item, a pot by James Campbell in Orchil-more at 5s.
Item, a door by Donald Stewart in Carrick at 1s 3d.
Item, a door by Donald Stewart in Drumnagowan at 2s.
Item, a chest by Donald Ritchie in Pitfeolain at 2s.
Item, a chest by ditto at 3s 3d.
Item, a chest by Donald Stewart in Drumnagowan at 1s 6d.
Item, an ambry by Donald Stewart in Carrick at 2s.
Item, a partition by Donald Stewart in Drumnagowan at 4s 8½d.
Item, the barn doors by ditto at 1s.
Item, a barrow by Duncan Menzies in Auchtercaldie at 9d.
Item, a spade by John Fergusson in Pitfeolain at 6d.
Item, a pair of weigh bauches by the said Duncan Menzies at 2d.
Item, a coat by Donald Stewart in Ballinaldack at 3d.
Item, a tub by William Cattanach in (blank) at 11d.
Item, a cow by Donald Fergusson (in Balnauld, and smith in Fincastle) at £2 8s Sterling.
Item, a horse by Niell Stewart in Balinluig at £1 3s 10d Sterling.
Item, a horse by James McKenzie at Croftgowan at £2 10s Sterling.
All Sterling money.
Item, the crops after cut down, thrashen, deoght (dried?) and measured, being 10 bolls one firlot at £8 per boll, is £82 Scots money, in (Gilbert Stewart of) Fincastle's hands in Sterling is supposed 16s 8d.

Summa Inventory

This testament was confirmed at Dunkeld, the twenty sixth day of April 1771 years by Mr Thomas Bisset, Commissary, and Gilbert Stewart of Fincastle became cautioner for the executor by bond.


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