History of Borenich Burial Ground | Strathtummel in Past Times |
Details of Borenich Homesteads | Finding Your Ancestors | Parish of Blair Atholl Gazetteer |
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Borenich burial ground is in a field on the north side of Loch Tummel, not far from the Queen's View. Most people give it scarcely a glance as they drive along the road towards Tummelbridge, but the curious sometimes stop and walk down the hill to have a closer look. Probably they are surprised to find that the burial ground has a visitor's book and information leaflets.
However it is obvious, from entries in the visitor's book, that some people are visiting the burial ground in the hope of tracing their ancestors. The information leaflet can do no more than scratch the surface in this context, so this web-site has been established to assist those interested in the families who once lived in this part of Strathtummel to discover their roots. This web-site contains historical information about the burial ground, and relates what is known about the people buried there, including marriages, births and census returns.
Over 60 Last Will and Testaments from the Dunkeld Commissariot have been transcribed and indexed for references to other people 1714-1776.
We now have an index of the 1,900 people recorded in the 1820 census for Moulin parish, carried out by the Minister of Moulin. This lists the people living in each settlement with their age, occupation and relationship to the head of each family.
An index of people recorded in the Minister's 1806 census for Moulin parish is also available upon request.
Search requests should be sent to enquiries@borenich.co.uk.
Contact by e-mail: enquiries@borenich.co.uk
This site was last updated - 12th June 2020