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History of
Burial Ground
in Past Times
Details of
Finding Your
Parish of
Blair Atholl

Moon Parents in the parishes of
Blair Atholl, Dull, Kirkmichael, Logierait and Moulin

Date Parish Moon
Spouse Comments
1600s Blair Atholl Original Moons
~1645 Blair Atholl Alexander Mains of Blair
1665 Rentals Blair Atholl George, tenant Walter Gald's Croft
1679 Rentals Blair Atholl Duncan, tenant Walter Gald's Croft
~1702 Blair Atholl George Janet Mackglashan Walter Gald's Croft
1705 Fencible Roll Blair Atholl John, younger Mill of Blair
1705 Fencible Roll Blair Atholl George, tenant Janet Mackglashan East Mains
1705 Fencible Roll Blair Atholl John, tenant East Mains
1705 Fencible Roll Blair Atholl Donald, tailor East Mains
1705 Fencible Roll Blair Atholl Robert,
son to Alexander Moon
Ann Stewart Toldamph
1705 Fencible Roll Blair Atholl Thomas Toldamph
1705 Fencible Roll Blair Atholl Duncan, tenant Drumnacrich
1705 Fencible Roll Blair Atholl Duncan, tenant Toldunie
~1715 Kilspindie
and Inchture
James Jannet Sim Polgavie
~1717 Blair Atholl John Katharine Stewart Urrard-more
~1717 Blair Atholl Duncan Margaret Robertson Tirinie
~1721 Blair Atholl Donald Christian McGlashan Loinmarstaig
~1721 Blair Atholl Duncan Margaret Young Urrard-more and
West Tulloch of Blair
~1722 Blair Atholl Duncan 'Roy' Elspeth Stewart Balinuarain
~1722 Blair Atholl John Ann Stewart Haugh of Blair
~1724 Blair Atholl Thomas Christian Stewart Ardkincael
~1724 Blair Atholl Janet Hugh Whytack Blair
31 Mar 1726 Dull Alexander Janet McCuich Derculich? and Cluny
~1727 Moulin Duncan Janet McCra Glengirnaig
29 Oct 1730 Moulin Secil (Cecil) Malcolm McGrigor Shierglas
25 Feb 1731 Moulin John Ann Stewart Moulin parish
~1732 Moulin Agnes (Nan) Thomas Buttar Coille-Moulin
24 May 1733 Moulin Donald Katharine Stewart Upper Pitdornie
Nov 1733 Blair Atholl Donald Janet Frazer Tulloch of Blair
21 Nov 1733 Blair Atholl Isabel Donald Robertson
alias French
~1735 Blair Atholl George Margaret Stewart Riechappel
~1737 Blair Atholl Duncan Janet Robertson Teanafearn
3 Feb 1738 Moulin Christian William Campbell Shinigaig-beg
18 May 1738 Moulin John Isabel McCra Loinmarstaig and Lettoch
~1738 Blair Atholl John Janet Stewart Drumnacrich
5 Jul 1739 Kirkmichael Robert Jannet Butter Moulin parish
7 Jan 1742 Moulin Donald Margaret McLaren Blair Atholl
4 Dec 1742 Errol Jean John Cameron Errol village
9 Dec 1742 Moulin Katharine David Strong Kindrochit of Lude
15 Dec 1746 Dull Alexander Janet Fergusson Glen Fincastle
~1747 Moulin Margaret Donald Robertson Badro
8 Jun 1747 Blair Atholl Janet Duncan Robertson Easter Baluaine
25 Jul 1747 Errol John Elizabeth Sim Mill of Errol
9 Aug 1747 Dull John
in Moulin of Fincastle
Isabel Cailmanach illegitimate child
23 Feb 1748 Blair Atholl
and Moulin
George Elspeth McLauchlane Balrobie
15 Dec 1748 Moulin Christian Alexander Strong Croftnaloan
9 Feb 1749 Dull Donald Jannet Butter Edintian
5 Dec 1752 Blair Atholl Katharine Donald Kennedy Balrobie
9 Dec 1752 Logierait John Margaret McLean Dalshian?
15 Feb 1753 Blair Atholl
and Moulin
Alexander Janet Stewart Balrobie
15 Feb 1753 Blair Atholl Isobel George Robertson Dauchinlialash
22 Jul 1755 Blair Atholl George Christian McGlashan Balrobie
1 Feb 1759 Blair Atholl Alexander Margaret Fergusson Balrobie
14 Jun 1759 Moulin Christian James Stewart Logierait?
6 Sep 1759 Blair Atholl Katharine George Gow Balinuarain
12 Mar 1760 Blair Atholl Duncan
in Balinuarain
Isabel Richie illegitimate child
27 Nov 1760 Blair Atholl Jean Patrick McGlashan Miltown of Lude
13 Jan 1761 Blair Atholl Duncan Katharine Moon Balinuarain
9 Dec 1762 Blair Atholl Duncan Isobel Gow Riechappel
10 Feb 1763 Blair Atholl Janet John McDonald Balnauld
9 Aug 1763 Moulin Margaret Donald Reid Moulin parish
10 Dec 1763 Blair Atholl Donald
at Bridgend of Tilt
Margaret Robertson illegitimate child
31 Aug 1764 Blair Atholl Donald Janet Stewart Kincraigie
15 Aug 1767 Logierait Robert (Mionn) Margaret Robertson Hosefield
25 Nov 1767 Blair Atholl Katharine Donald McLean Croftingushag
22 Jan 1768 Blair Atholl Janet James Gow Ardkincael
16 Feb 1768 Blair Atholl George Katharine Reid Ardkincael
4 Mar 1768 Blair Atholl
and Moulin
Anne Alexander Graham Blairuachdar
5 Jun 1768 Edinburgh Janet William Donaldson Edinburgh
21 Jan 1769 Logierait Robert (Mionn) Isobel Eason Hosefield
11 Jan 1770 Blair Atholl Alexander Marjory Gow Ardkincael
16 Feb 1770 Blair Atholl Donald Janet McFarlane Calvine
9 Jul 1773 Blair Atholl Christian Charles Cameron Kilmaveonaig
13 Aug 1774 Errol Ann Andrew Anderson Kincardine
~1775 Blair Atholl Alexander Margaret Stewart Aldclune
3 Feb 1776 Dunkeld Jean Andrew Cameron Dunkeld parish
21 May 1776 Perth George Katharine Stewart Perth
21 Nov 1776 Blair Atholl Duncan Catherine Cree Balinuarain and Rindou
17 Dec 1776 Blair Atholl Christian John Stewart Kinloch of Blairuachdar
5 Dec 1777 Blair Atholl Marjory John Robertson Glentilt
31 Jan 1780 Blair Atholl John Christian McIntyre Drumnacrich
20 Nov 1780 Dundee
and Mains
John Jean Greenham Little Mill
27 Mar 1782 Moulin John Janet Wallace Balyoukan
13 Sep 1782 Blair Atholl John
in Kincael
Betty Stewart illegitimate child
10 Nov 1782 Errol Katharine John Miller Errol
20 Nov 1782 Blair Atholl John
in Kincael
Margaret Gow illegitimate child
4 Jan 1784 Kilspindie Janet David Wandless Kilspindie
28 Mar 1785 Leuchars Margaret John Matthew Craigie
20 Jul 1785 Dundee and
St. Andrews
Elizabeth John Ewan St. Andrews
20 Dec 1788 Dull Christian Donald McIntosh Dull parish
27 Dec 1790 Errol Jean Robert Clark Errol
19 Jun 1791 Logierait John
in Clunes
Christian McIntyre illegitimate child
16 Jul 1791 Blair Atholl John Marjory Stewart Clunes
19 Nov 1791 Newtyle John Margaret Robertson Newbigging
10 Mar 1792 Blair Atholl Margaret Donald McDonald Dalnamine
29 Sep 1792 Dunkeld Jean James Douglas Dunkeld parish
25 Jan 1793 Blair Atholl Margaret James Sidey Blair
26 Jan 1793 Blair Atholl
and Moulin
Donald Margaret McLagan Aldclune
26 Apr 1793 Blair Atholl Ann John McIntyre Clune-beg
14 Dec 1794 Blair Atholl
and Moulin
George Elspeth Stewart Pitagowan
19 Feb 1797 Blair Atholl
and Dull
Donald Cecilia Seaton Pitdornie
29 Apr 1797 Blair Atholl
and Dull
Isobel Patrick Cattanach
(Peter McIntosh)
2 Jun 1797 Blair Atholl Christian Donald Forbes Balrobie
30 Dec 1797 Moulin John Elspeth McIntosh Aldclune and Perth
3 May 1798 Moulin Thomas
miller at Pitcurr
(unmarried?) Balyoukan
20 Sep 1801 Longforgan Alexander Elizabeth Irons Longforgan
24 Nov 1801 Dowally Robert Margaret Robertson Guay
21 May 1803 Logierait
also Dunkeld
Margaret (Moan) Charles Keir Dunkeld
17 Jul 1803 Logierait Margaret (Moan) Duncan Ritchie Dunkeld
9 Aug 1805 Blair Atholl Janet Alexander Robertson Dunkeld and Blair
11 Mar 1806 Logierait George (Moan) Jannet Campbell Dowally
29 Mar 1807 Longforgan Isobel James Mackie Fowlis Easter
6 Apr 1807 Moulin Christian John Stewart Clune-more
22 Nov 1807 Blair Atholl
and Moulin
Duncan Christian Frazer Drumnacrich
c1808-09 Canada Christian Donald (Daniel)
Warren Co.,
New York
1808 Canada George unmarried emigrated on the Clarendon
28 May 1809 Muthil James Mary Tindal Strathallan, Blackford
10 Jun 1809 St. Andrews George Janet Thomson St. Andrews
and Cupar, Fife
27 May 1810 Dunkeld Isabel James Sclater Dunkeld
25 Nov 1812 Caputh Christian Charles Cuthbert
(Charles Culbert)
24 Jan 1813 Moulin John Nelly Dewar Pitlochry
3 Oct 1814 Perth Grizel Andrew McCash Perth
Oct 29 1817 Dunkeld Katharine James Brodie
of Poldar
~1819 Moulin Margaret Alexander Seaton Mains of Urrard
22 Aug 1819 Blair Atholl Catherine John Stewart Balintoul
~1820 Ayr Duncan Jean Thomson Muirkirk, Ayr
31 Oct 1820 Dowally George (Moan) Ann Munroe Guay
14 Dec 1821 Moulin Margaret John McDonald Tarvie
~1822 New York Donald
Anna E. McDonald Warrensburg
10 Mar 1822 Blair Atholl Katherine Alexander MacGlashan Balintoul
6 Sep 1823 Newtyle Elspeth James Duncan Threapley
30 Aug 1825 Moulin Elspeth James Fergusson Moulin
2 Dec 1826 Little Dunkeld Christian Alexander Logie Errol
19 Oct 1828 Newtyle John Penelope Moon Newtyle Manse
3 May 1829 Liff, Benvie Thomas Elspet Cochrane Balruddery
10 May 1829 Monifieth Isabella David Williamson Edinburgh
18 Nov 1831 Cupar, Fife
and Perth
John Amelia Menzies Cupar, Fife
8 Jan 1832 Blair Atholl Marjry (Marjory) Angus Cameron Blair and
17 Nov 1834 Kinnoull Henry Janet Kidd
~1836 New York Donald
Jemima Welch Warrensburg
27 Jun 1836 Moulin Donald Janet Scott Kinnaird and Tomcroy
3 Oct 1836 Cupar, Fife Jean Robert Greenham Mountrath
and Melbourne
18 Dec 1836 Newtyle Alexander Mary Rea
(May Rae)
30 Jun 1837 Dundee Robert Jessie Cobb
(Janet Coupar)
porter in Dundee
22 Dec 1837 Moulin Christine Alexander Cameron Clune-more
17 Feb 1838 Coupar Angus John Marjory Thomson Barlatch
22 Dec 1840 Dundee Alexander Jean Cuthbert innkeeper in Dundee
16 Jan 1841 Errol John Betsy Anderson blacksmith in Coupar Angus
~1843 Yorkshire William Anne Stocks Dundee
19 Jan 1844 Blair Atholl
and Moulin
Isabel Donald McIntyre Pitagowan
25 May 1845 Dysart, Fife James Jean Goodsir Dundee and Fife
8 Dec 1845 New South Wales,
Alexander Mary Ann Chard Albury, NSW
11 Junc 1846 Newtyle Alexander Ann McGregor Newbigging
30 Jun 1851 Logierait Helen Peter Fergusson Blairgowrie
26 Oct 1851 Dull Catherine James Stewart Dundee
31 Jul 1853 Dull and Logierait Ann Alexander Stewart Ballinluig of Dunfallandy
18 Feb 1859 Blair Atholl Duncan Christian Low Aldclune and Tillicoultry
24 Apr 1859 New York Ephraim B. Minerva Lanfair Warrensburg
24 Apr 1859 New York Daniel H. Alice A. Lanfair Warrensburg
8 Aug 1860 Dundee Margaret James Robertson Dundee
22 Jul 1868 Dundee Alexander unmarried vintner, Session St.,
~1874 New York Ephraim B. Adella Brown Warrensburg


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